Patrol Division
Wilmington Police Officers conduct aggressive patrol tactics of the business and residential districts to provide for the safety of Wilmington residents and business communities.
The Wilmington Police Department prides itself on timely responses to calls for assistance.
Patrol Officers monitor and enforce traffic safety on the streets of Wilmington.
Business checks are performed regularly and crime prevention officers can provide helpful suggestions in minimizing burglary threats or limiting loss.
Locking Your Car and Vehicle Burglaries: Patrol has taken reports from citizens regarding unknown subjects who entered an unlocked vehicle and stole whatever they could get their hands on. Please lock your car and do not leave valuables in view.
Telephone Scams: Patrol has taken reports from citizens concerning suspicious phone calls from individuals posing as bank employees, IRS agents or any other authority to attempt to get your personal information or money.
Crime Prevention: Is Your Home or Business CPTED Secure? CPTED is Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. CPTED is a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behavior through prevention and environmental design. CPTED strategies rely upon the ability to influence offender behavior and decisions that precede criminal acts.