Freedom Of Information Act


Requests for Public Records

Known as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), provides for access to public records. All requests for records can be made in writing to the Department’s FOIA Officer or Deputy FOIA Officer. A separate form is not required.

When making a request, please be specific and indicate:

  • The name, address, and daytime phone number or e mail of the person making the request.
  • A description of the records or information being sought.
  • If the information being sought is for a commercial purpose.
  • How you would like the information to be provided to you (e mail, regular mail, or held for pick up at our office).

Allow up to 5 business days for a response.

Please indicate if your request is for a commercial purpose. If so, the Police Department provides access to the records and/or copies of them within twenty-one (21) business days.

It is a violation of the Act for a person to knowingly obtain a public record for a commercial purpose without disclosing that it is for a commercial purpose.

The first 50 pages of printed black and white copies are provided at no charge; additional copies are $.15 per sheet. Higher charges may apply for color or oversized copies.

Download FOIA form

Address FOIA requests to:
Heather Whyte, Administrative Assistant
and Lynn Rung, Records Clerk
Wilmington Police Department
129 Robert P. Weidling Drive
Wilmington IL 60481
Phone (815)476-2811
[email protected]

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